Children Can Do a Lot

We have been working on an animation with the Rejuvenate team. Read more below...

Rejuvenate's working paper propose a shift from UNCRC principles of ‘protection, provision, participation’ to ‘space, support, system change’. This shift could mobilise us to truly understand and support children’s agency, and move us away from adult-led, top-down agendas.

With that in mind, we hope our new animation can get people thinking, and talking about preconceived ideas about what children can and can’t do, when we offer space, support and system change.


Little Inventors

Children must take part in climate and environmental decisions – they care, have rights and their ideas, passion and imaginations can inspire adults to urgently act to save our planet from irreversible destruction.



It’s impossible to deny that silence has many faces


In My Feelings About Climate Change: In Conversation

SustyVibes founder Jennifer Uchendu in conversation with Clover Hogan, Elizabeth Wathuti & Britt Wray (PhD)