Children Can Do a Lot

We have been working on an animation with the Rejuvenate team. Read more below...

Rejuvenate's working paper propose a shift from UNCRC principles of ‘protection, provision, participation’ to ‘space, support, system change’. This shift could mobilise us to truly understand and support children’s agency, and move us away from adult-led, top-down agendas.

With that in mind, we hope our new animation can get people thinking, and talking about preconceived ideas about what children can and can’t do, when we offer space, support and system change.


The Rights Studio Festival

An invitation to play with, break with and reshape how we engage with human rights across generations.


More Than Noise: Interactive Audio

What happens when we stop and listen to all the sounds that make up our everyday lives?


Do they really want to know how we feel?

Climate anxiety and solastalgia are establishing themselves as new terms in psychology. This emotionality is becoming more and more palpable within the climate debate, but without receiving sufficient recognition. The immersive installation by photographer Frederick Herrmann aims to make this condition of the so-called Gen Z tangible.